
Nana (stylized as NANA) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Ai Yazawa. First published as a two-part prologue in Shueisha’s monthly shōjo manga magazine Cookie in 1999, Nana was later serialized in the same magazine from May 2000 to May 2009, before going on indefinite hiatus. Its chapters have been collected in 21 tankōbon volumes. The series centers on Nana Osaki and Nana Komatsu, two women who move to Tokyo at the age of 20, with the story focused on Nana O.’s pursuit for fame and Nana K.’s pursuit for romance, all while struggling to maintain their friendship.
Nana won the 48th Shogakukan Manga Award for shōjo category in 2003. By 2019 the manga had over 50 million copies in circulation, making it one of the best-selling manga series of all time.

Plot :
The manga Nana tells the story of Nana Osaki and Nana Komatsu (nicknamed Hachi), who cross paths on March 5, 2001, when they both move to Tokyo after turning 20 years old: Nana O. to pursue a professional music career with her band, Black Stones, on her own merit; and Nana K. to join her friends and move in with her boyfriend. Despite having different personalities and ambitions, the two women find commonalities with each other and, by coincidence, move into the same apartment. However, as they follow their dreams, troubles of fame and love begin to test their friendship. As the two women continue their lives in Tokyo, Nana K. breaks up with her boyfriend after he cheats on her, while Nana O. reunites with her ex-boyfriend Ren, the guitarist of Japan’s current top band, Trapnest. Nana O.’s relationship with Ren eventually leads Nana K. into starting an on-and-off relationship with Trapnest’s bassist, Takumi, causing her friendship with Nana O. to become awkward, while falling in love with Black Stones’ guitarist, Nobu, at the same time. Ultimately, when Nana K. becomes pregnant, she chooses to marry Takumi instead. Nana O. begins to suffer from panic attacks at the thought of losing Nana K., but she later resolves to win her back from Trapnest by using the popularity and success of Black Stones.

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